Brown Sugar, Cinnamon, Peaches & Cream Cupcakes

I can’t believe it’s already October. What do you meeeeean there are only 3 months till 2024!? I’m in denial. And, as usual, I’m clinging on to the very last of the summer produce to drag out my favourite season just a liiiittle bit longer.

Brown Sugar, Cinnamon, Peaches & Cream Cupcakes - Kay's Kitchen

And that’s what inspires today’s recipe: peaches!

Brown Sugar, Cinnamon, Peaches & Cream Cupcakes - Kay's Kitchen

Peaches are honestly one of my favourite fruits – there’s something so special about biting into the velvety fuzzy skin, that explosion of juicy sweet nectar and revealing that sunshiney yellow flesh.

Brown Sugar, Cinnamon, Peaches & Cream Cupcakes - Kay's Kitchen

They’re often not quite perfect at this time of year, so stewing them really let’s the flavours shine. This bake kinda straddles the seasons – leaning into the warmer flavours of autumn whilst celebrating the last of the stone fruits.

Brown Sugar, Cinnamon, Peaches & Cream Cupcakes - Kay's Kitchen

Fluffy yet moist, brown sugar cupcakes, topped with lashings of mascarpone whipped cream, then piled high with cinnamon-stewed peaches.

Brown Sugar, Cinnamon, Peaches & Cream Cupcakes - Kay's Kitchen

Brown Sugar, Cinnamon, Peaches & Cream Cupcakes - Kay's Kitchen

Gah, just get in my face already.

Brown Sugar, Cinnamon, Peaches & Cream Cupcakes - Kay's Kitchen

Celebrate the last of summer with me with this recipe – make it ASAP!

Brown Sugar, Cinnamon, Peaches & Cream Cupcakes - Kay's Kitchen





  • 100g caster sugar
  • 125g light brown muscovado sugar
  • 110g salted butter
  • 2 medium eggs
  • 1 heaped tsp cinnamon
  • 185g plain flour
  • 0.5tsp baking soda
  • 120ml buttermilk


  • 600ml double cream
  • 50g mascarpone
  • 50g icing sugar
  • 1tsp vanilla extract

Stewed peaches:

  • 2 peaches
  • 0.5tsp cornflour
  • 1 tsp caster sugar
  • Large pinch of cinnamon



  1. Preheat the oven to gas mark 5 and line your cupcake tin with 12 cases.
  2. Cream together the sugars and butter till light and fluffy.
  3. One by one, add the eggs, mixing well till properly combined.
  4. In a separate bowl add the remaining dry ingredients (flour, cinnamon, baking soda) and mix well to combine.
  5. Add half of the dry ingredients to the creamed butter and sugars. Mix till just combined.
  6. Next, add the buttermilk, mix till just combined.
  7. Add the remainder of the dry ingredients and mix till just combined.
  8. Divide the cupcake batter evenly into the prepared cases and bake for 15-18 minutes or until a cake tester/toothpick comes out clean.
  9. Once done, place onto a wire rack to cool.


  1. Add all the ingredients to a large bowl and whisk till just whipped.

Stewed peaches:

  1. Blanche and peel the peaches: use a knife to score an ‘X’ on the base of the peaches. add the peaches to a pot of boiling water and submerge for around 20-30 seconds before plunging in a bowl of ice water and peeling.
  2. Chop the peaches into small chunks.
  3. Add the peaches, cornflour, sugar and cinnamon to a small pan, mix to combine.
  4. Cook on a medium-low heat for 5-8 mins until they release their juices and the mixture thickens slightly.
  5. Set aside to cool.


  1. Pipe the frosting over the cupcakes. You can either leave the middle empty, or use the back of a spoon to create a little dip.
  2. Spoon over the stewed peaches.


  • Stewed peaches: As with any type of fruit, the sweetness/acidity will vary so adjust the sugar based on the tartness of your berries.
  • Frosting: Try not to over-whip your frosting – you want to whisk till just whipped – if you overdo it, you’ll be left with a weird, sweet butter.
  • Cake batter: When you add your dry mixture to your wet mixture, only mix till combined – the more you work the batter, the more gluten you build, this is great for bread but will lead to a tough cake!
  • Storage: as it’s a cream-based frosting, you’ll want to store these cupcakes in the fridge. Bring up to room temperature before serving.

Brown Sugar, Cinnamon, Peaches & Cream Cupcakes - Kay's Kitchen
Brown Sugar, Cinnamon, Peaches & Cream Cupcakes - Kay's Kitchen

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